Imagine waking up with a flake of morning sunshine piercing the thick window glass just to get a glimpse of your face, and birds of the universe chirping 'The Choral' to add sugar to your sugar-free coffee. It might seem like one of the opening shots of Wes Anderson's movies but our morning experiences are far off from the one described above. It's not the sunshine which works as an eye opener, it's the maid who turns off the fan and forgets that it needs to turned on just the same way Cersei has forgotten what Jaime is to her. It's not the melodious chirping, but the mobile under the pillow which shouts it's throat out with Facebook notifications or Whatsapp's "You may have new messages." But getting through all this trouble, once you log into Facebook and check the notifications. What you see is bundles of notifications consisting images of white dialogue box (with green background) supported with piece of text. This is completely ne...