Why Mera College is Mahaan?
Yesterday, I got to visit another college (thanks to a friend) which was more a typical kind of college. But getting an entry was not the easy part. We assembled at the back door like a Counter Strike team waiting for Sergeant's order "All Clear, Let's Go Boys". After a few minutes of hiding and peeping, guards went for Guthka and Bidi and the way was clear. Upon entering, fierce arrows was what took our attention, Woah!! This college has archery. The sport about which I had only read in my General Knowledge Book or seen on Doordarshan while changing the channel. But still, this college had to do a lot to impress. We then headed straight to the Canteen which was equivalent to the size of our 2 classrooms. No matter how bad your day was or you got a proposal, food is like that darling who's always there for you like Severus Snape. If the canteen was this large, the prices had to be too high. But opposite to our surprise, the costliest item on the menu was Shahi P...